Design and installation of cost-efficient and reliable building automation and monitoring systems for industrial facilities, office buildings and institutions.
Professional knowledge within the area of expertise.
János Koplányi
FERCOM Ingatlan Kft.
ELSZÖV-Automatika Kft. is a refreshing exception in today’s world. The professionals I have contacted during my work meet all expectations. While working together, my experience was that people were happy to collaborate and were exceedingly creative.
Ferenc Wild
Knorr-Bremse Kft.
Outstanding range of services in the building automation market.
András Karai
Mix-Air Kft.
ELSZÖV-Automatika Kft. has reliably fulfilled its contractual obligations for a long time. Flexible in terms of prices, deadlines and technical solutions.
Imre Lovász
OTP Bank Plc.
ELSZÖV’S newsletter is the only newsletter that I will not immediately delete.